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What we do




An expert in Adobe InDesign, with decades of web design, graphic design and desktop publishing experience, I can handle any project. A single page flier or a 300 page novel, let Inferno do your page layout.

Is your book graphics intensive? No problem, Inferno Publishing specializes in books that are heavy with graphics and light on content!

I am an artist and a writer because these are occupations that allow me to drink on the job.

I initially got into desktop publishing as a means to an end, an avenue to express my opinions and a method to amplify my public voice, my Gutenberg press of the 21st century.

First rule to writers - never try to proofread your own material.

I offer professional proofreading services, and will ensure that all corrections or changes reflect the style of the writer. I also offer fact-checking services.​ I can use Google with the best of them.




Advertizing copy is like a book, only with less pages, and likely less truth. Possibly more truth than the mainstream media...

Inferno will be more than happy to help you manipulate the truth for your ads.

So you want to write a book, do you? No publisher in their right mind will touch the pablum oozing out of your word processor? Not to worry, Inferno Publishing to the rescue!

Of course, everything goes back to a nice ice cold libation. When you allow Inferno Publishing to take over your project, you will have more time to kick back, relax and enjoy that cold one.

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